The Greatest Salesman in the World Review: This is an old book, but an EXCELLENT book. It was first published in 1968, and written by O.G. Mandino. The first half of the book is a parable about a manager working for his boss. His boss decides to retire and passes on his knowledge to his younger manager. This knowledge is contained in the form of ancient scrolls in a chest. The second half contains the content of the ancient scrolls. The entire books is very Assassin's Creed like. Instead of a secret clan of Assassins there is a secret group of expert sales people. This book is a quick read at around 100 pages, the reading flows and is entertaining. The real content starts around the scrolls. The first scroll explains how to read the later scrolls. I try hard to stay positive and persist at things. When I find myself in trouble or being super negative I read these scrolls and it helps a lot. HOW NOT TO READ THIS BOOK: Pick it up and put it down. Or take notes and refer back to them after first reading it. HOW TO READ THIS BOOK: Follow the first scroll. Read the same scroll for 30 days then move onto the next scroll. WHAT IS AMAZING ABOUT THIS BOOK: Every time I read the same scroll I might have read now 100x's I always get something new out of it. Example... The scroll marked three about the bulls... The bulls are prized because they don't give up! Not because they are the ones that will last forever in a fight against the fighters. They won't give up, and they keep coming. Are the scrolls ancient? Is there a secret society of Sales Experts? I don't know, but I do know this is an excellent book. It helps me stay positive and keeps me in the mindset to achieve my goals. |